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Case study

CLIENT: The Gramophone Works
LOCATION: Kensal Rise, London
COMPLETED: December 2021

The Old Gramophone Works – Air Conditioning Case Study


Set in the heart of West London, this new destination workplace ‘The Dock’ at The Old Gramophone Works offers nearly 65,000 sq ft of high-quality office space over six floors.

Designed with sustainability in mind, The Dock is a beautiful building with a wealth of innovative features and a coveted BREEAM excellent status. Expressed timber construction with exposed building services create a unique interior. The building was constructed in an inspiring position overlooking the Grand Union Canal on Kensal Rise London.


The Air conditioning systems comprise of 18 no. Daikin VRV Heat Recovery systems with 221 no. FCU’s, providing simultaneous heating and cooling throughout the entire building. Connected to the VRV system serving the ground floor is a heat pump boiler, this unit recovers waste heat from the cooling cycle in the VRV system and is used to heat domestic hot water utilised within the building for wash hand basins and showers etc and therefore enhancing the buildings green credentials.

The VRV systems have power proportional distribution built in as part of the controls package to apportion power to individual tenants in a multi-tenanted scenario. The systems’ are controlled by a Daikin I touch manager and linked via BACnet to the building management system providing full comfort management throughout the building.
